BAS Stealer 7 

BAS Stealer 7 

BAS Stealer 7

BAS Stealer


8 MB

[ + ] Sealer is written entirely in BAS + Nodejs, has no downloads from the network
[+] Has no dependencies on .NET
[+] Collecting the log takes from 0-5 seconds
[+] Weight ~ 1 megabyte
[+] Does not use NPM packages of NodeJS.



[ + ] Collecting browsers Chrome, Opera/OperaGX, Brave, Vivaldi, Mozilla
[ + ] Collecting Cookies, Passwords, Autofill Forms
[ + ] Steam grabber (config, ssfn)
[ + ] FileZilla, Total Commander ftp session grabber
[+] Collecting Discord files
[ + ] Collecting Minecraft (Nicknames, Mail)
[+] Collecting Uplay sessions
[ + ] Collecting 12 crypto-wallets
[ + ] Recursive collection of the desktop (. txt files up to 2MB)
[+] Collection of information about the PC (Name, Username, System, Clipboard

About the Panel

[+] Written in PHP
[+] Does not require a database
[+] Sending logs directly to telegram
[+] Logs cannot be merged, everything is safe)

Download Link 1

Mirror Link 2

Download Link 3

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