Redline Stealr Cracked 2024

Redline Stealr Cracked 2024


Redline Stealr


V. 2024


11 MB



Redline Stealr Cracked 2024, a malicious software program first discovered in 2020, has become a persistent threat in the digital landscape. As an information stealer, it targets a wide array of sensitive data from unsuspecting victims. This essay will delve into the characteristics of RedLine Stealer, its methods of operation, the dangers it poses, and potential mitigation strategies.

Redline Stealr Cracked 2024 operates as a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS), readily available for purchase on cybercriminal forums. This low barrier to entry makes it accessible to a broader range of malicious actors. The malware functions as a customizable file-grabber, snatching login credentials, browsing data, and cryptocurrency wallets from various applications. Web browsers, messaging platforms like Discord and Telegram, and even File Transfer Protocol (FTP) clients are all susceptible to RedLine’s intrusive grasp.

The reach of RedLine Stealer extends beyond mere data theft. It can also gather comprehensive information about the infected device, including running processes, installed software, and even the victim’s location. This intel empowers attackers to launch further attacks, potentially deploying ransomware or exploiting newfound vulnerabilities.

Stealer functionality:

Collects from browsers:
Login and passwords
Autocomplete fields
Credit cards
Supported browsers:
All browsers based on Chromium (even latest version of Chrome)
All Gecko-based browsers (Mozilla, etc.)
Data collection from FTP clients, IM clients
File-grabber customizable by Path, Extension, Search-in-subfolders (can be configured for the necessary cold wallets, Steam, etc.)
Settings by country. Setting up a blacklist of countries where the build will not work
Settings for anti-duplicate logs in the panel
Collects information about the victim’s system: IP, country, city, current username, HWID, keyboard layout, screenshot, screen resolution, operating system, UAC Settings, is the current build running with administrator privileges, User-Agent, information about PC hardware (video cards, processors), installed antiviruses
Performing tasks:
Download – download a file from link to the specified path
RunPE – injection of a 32-bit file downloaded from link into another file
DownloadAndEx – download a file from link to the specified path with subsequent launch
OpenLink – open a link in the default browser

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Redline Stealr Cracked

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