Klimt Stealer 2024

Klimt Stealer 2024


Klimt Stealer


V. 2024


743 KB



Klimt stealr is an offensive security tool designed for credential stealing, system information analysis and security assessments. It features a range of options for compromising different types of systems and applications, including Discord, Various CryptoCurrency Wallets, Web Browsers, Roblox, and many more. Klimt also includes a persistent reverse shell option that allows users to execute commands from a remote server, along with an interactive GUI builder.


Credential Stealing Klimt Stealer 2024:

Discord Stealer: Steals authentication tokens and account information from 30+ Discord locations.
Wallet Stealer: Steals cryptocurrency wallet files and credentials from popular wallets.
FileZilla Stealer: Steals recent server credentials and configuration settings from the FileZilla client.
Browser Stealer: Steals browser cookies, passwords, history, downloads and credit cards from Web Browsers.
Steam Stealer: Steals account authentication tokens from the Steam client.
Telegram Stealer: Steals client session data from the Telegram client.
Roblox Stealer: Steals login credentials and authentication tokens from the Roblox game client & website.
Program Injection

Discord: Injects a custom Javascript package into the Discord process for added functionality.
Startup: Adds Klimt to the list of startup programs to ensure persistence.
Browsers: Injects a custom module into major web browsers for added functionality.
System Information

Klimt Stealer 2024

General: Collects general system information using the Windows registry and WMIC.
Local Files: Scans the target machines files.
Installed Software: Collects information on installed software.
Network Connections: Logs network activity and connections.
WiFi/SSID Credentials: Steals login credentials and SSID information from all available WiFi connections.

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Klimt Stealer

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